May, 2007
May, 2004
For comparison, note the knot on the buried log in the lower right of both pictures, to compare the 2007 low water picture (top) to the 2004 high water picture (bottom). Also recall that (thanks to the industrious efforts of M0), the firepit has moved from the right side of said log to the left of the log over the intervening three years.

it looks like "the tin can" is out of the water. seems it has been retired for the rest of this trip. It looks like it is not upside down over the walk.- I think that is on my list from someone - to be included in the Shag manual (so as not to kill the grass put the boat over the cement walk upside down between visits.)
but i could be mistaken- the boat may not be upside down but perhaps it is over the sidewalk.
ummm... read the date above each picture.
that explains the abalone shell in the photo.
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