MW Mobile Blog
For friends, family and the random search engine visitor. This blog started as an experiment in mobile blogging from my Palm TREO 600, 700, Prē, HTC Evo, Samsung 5, Pixel 3, Pixel 6 Pro. Now it serves as a simple repository of favorite activities. Expect bad golf, good fishing, great sailing, eating, drinking, adventure travel, occasional politics and anything else I find interesting along the way including, but not limited to, any of the labels listed here...
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Africa Tour
America's Cup
Burkina Faso
Cape Town
Escanaba River
Five Forties
From the Terrace
Ganges River
Gualala River
Lake Kariba
Lincoln Park
Morpheus Atlantic Passage
New Delhi
Niger River
Russian Hill
SF Power Tour
Sahara Desert
San Francisco
Sea Ranch
Sharp Park
South Africa
The Golf War
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Zambezi River
da bears
ice fishing
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End of the trout season.
Went out to lil' camp at the end of the day for the end of the trout season. Fished until dark. Had a couple of strikes, and hooked one but could not land it. Thus endeth the trout season.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Final Blast

Reportedly, the day three tally was -
6 Grouse Flushed / Three shots fired in anger.
The running blast total into day four:
Grouse 17
Hunters 0
Day Four - tried some new ground:

No flushes. No shots. But fantastic color.
Interestingly enough, upon return to camp, on the driveway into camp, standing by the side of the road, was the biggest fattest grouse we have ever seen. We stopped the car. He looked at us. We looked at him. He slowly sauntered into the woods and disappeared into the brush.
Interestingly enough, upon return to camp, on the driveway into camp, standing by the side of the road, was the biggest fattest grouse we have ever seen. We stopped the car. He looked at us. We looked at him. He slowly sauntered into the woods and disappeared into the brush.
John McCain says horse shit during Debate
Somehow MW missed this on the DWSUWF blog....
UPDATED: 9/27/08 10:18 PM EDITOR'S (MW) NOTES:
As I said in the comments: "Obama is talking horse shit. McCain identifies it as horse shit. Sounds like straight talk to me."
Consider: If Obama wins the the election, he will have a potential 100 seat Democratic majority in the house and a potential 60/40 filibuster proof Democratic majority in the Senate. It will be the greatest concentration of power in a single man and single party in the United States in the lifetime of any one reading this blog. Why people would trust this much power to one man and one party is beyond me, but hey - Obama has the "youth vote" - who knows what hard fought freedoms these kids are willing to give up?
If you have any doubt whether single party Democratic government will be just as corrupt and just as wrong headed as single party Republican government, just look up the history of the 92-94 Congress.
Since one of the first things the Democrats will do is undermine free speech guarantees in the Constitution by passing some version of the "Fairness Doctrine" I just thought it would be a good idea to get ahead of the curve now, and provide some Divided & Balanced ™ YouTube coverage of the debate in this post:
Original Posters Note: (Roy) 9-29-08, 10:37 am EST
As I said in the comments, John McCain is 4 more years of a cowboy presidency. He does not have the cool head and good judgement to make thoughtful, rational decisions. His "straight talk express" does no good if he proclaims every thought that is going through his head. Simple truth--the Republicans have made things really bad over the past 8 years in power, John McCain supported it, and there needs to be radical government action to fix these problems. The grid lock of Divided Government will not solve the problems we face today. Lets look at the competence of McCain's #2.
The past is prologue. We have seen One Party Rule before. The young generation ignores the past at its peril, and is doomed to repeat it.
UPDATED: 9/27/08 10:18 PM EDITOR'S (MW) NOTES:
As I said in the comments: "Obama is talking horse shit. McCain identifies it as horse shit. Sounds like straight talk to me."
Consider: If Obama wins the the election, he will have a potential 100 seat Democratic majority in the house and a potential 60/40 filibuster proof Democratic majority in the Senate. It will be the greatest concentration of power in a single man and single party in the United States in the lifetime of any one reading this blog. Why people would trust this much power to one man and one party is beyond me, but hey - Obama has the "youth vote" - who knows what hard fought freedoms these kids are willing to give up?
If you have any doubt whether single party Democratic government will be just as corrupt and just as wrong headed as single party Republican government, just look up the history of the 92-94 Congress.
Since one of the first things the Democrats will do is undermine free speech guarantees in the Constitution by passing some version of the "Fairness Doctrine" I just thought it would be a good idea to get ahead of the curve now, and provide some Divided & Balanced ™ YouTube coverage of the debate in this post:
Original Posters Note: (Roy) 9-29-08, 10:37 am EST
As I said in the comments, John McCain is 4 more years of a cowboy presidency. He does not have the cool head and good judgement to make thoughtful, rational decisions. His "straight talk express" does no good if he proclaims every thought that is going through his head. Simple truth--the Republicans have made things really bad over the past 8 years in power, John McCain supported it, and there needs to be radical government action to fix these problems. The grid lock of Divided Government will not solve the problems we face today. Lets look at the competence of McCain's #2.
The past is prologue. We have seen One Party Rule before. The young generation ignores the past at its peril, and is doomed to repeat it.
Meet the New Boss...
Friday, September 26, 2008
More critters

New waters - new fish

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Grouse Hunt - Day 2 Tally

Today's Tally:
Grouse 6
Hunters 0
Cumulative 2 day score:
Grouse 11
Hunters 0
At Ishpeming Wilderness Sports
Getting Grandpa's shotgun checked out. It is a Winchester Model 1897. We learned that the gun was manufactured in 1914. Both the guy behind the counter and a collector in the store said the gun was in excellent condition. Consensus opinion - don't shoot it, except with very light target loads.
George Neumann with his Winchester 1897 shotgun at Shag Lake in 1961. I think he would be laughing at us for worrying about whether we should use the gun or hang it on the wall.
My brother took this shot of gun and dog. The Winchester1897 is on top. We subsequently got on the intertubes and learned a bit more about Grandpa's gun:
From Wikipedia:
"Winchester's pump action repeating shotgun is an American Legend. Everybody knows the 1897 Winchester ... The 1897 Winchester has had several nicknames, such as the old thumbuster, and the widow maker but the old 97 is the one that stuck... it was catching on slowly before the first World War. It was still fairly popular but they hadn't sold thousands and thousands of them before the first World War broke out. In 1917 the United States joined World War I. When the U.S. Army went to war, they were scarce on weapons. What they did take was a little bit of their American styling and realism with them. They had been observing the war for the first three years and they realized how brutal trench warfare was and how much you needed close range fire power when you were in a trench... the 1897 trench gun was very effective. The nice thing about the 1897 - it was very effective when you were panicking because you could empty a five shot magazine, boom, boom, boom, boom boom, a lot more fire power than any bolt action rifle. Every time you pulled the trigger, twelve pellets of double ought buckshot came flying out the muzzle. If you did not have time to reload you always had eighteen inches of cold steel on the front.
This gun was hated by the Germans, who would kill any man on sight if they found him with a shotgun. They complained to the Hague and Geneva Conventions that we were using inhumane weapons. Up until that time they had never thought of using a shotgun in combat. Shotguns were for shooting grouse, pheasants and quail, bird shooting, gentleman's weapons, usually side by sides, very ornate, beautiful works of art... GI's who saw these things in action, however, came home and flooded Winchester with demands for them; they wanted them to hunt with. Police departments flooded Winchester with requests but wanted theirs made without the heat shield and bayonet lug on them. The 1897 Winchester became the symbol of the American hunter and the American policeman. If you saw the police doing a raid in Chicago on a bootleggers establishment, the first man through the door was armed with a 1897 Winchester. No one messed with the guy with the 1897. One guy called it the street howitzer. You could sweep out a room real quick with one of these.
Also, during the time of the Great Depression, you might be able to afford a 1897 Winchester whereas most people could not afford a fine grade double shotgun. This was a workingman's gun. GI's liked them. That's one of the reasons why the 1911 .45 and the 30.06 rifle cartridge took off so well - GI's used them."
Unlike most modern pump-action shotguns, the Winchester Model 1897 (versions of which were type classified as the Model 97 or M97 for short) fired each time the action closed with the trigger depressed (that is, it lacks a trigger disconnector). That and its six-shot capacity made it extremely effective for close combat, such that troops referred to it as a "trench sweeper".
Critter Challenge

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Shag Sunset

Apres Hunt - Day 1
No animals were harmed in the filming of this blog.
Grouse 4
Hunters 0
Game one to the grouse. Stay tuned.
Awaiting the arrival of HDW Mobile Blog

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fishing expedition - first fall pike

Monday, September 22, 2008
We have wood.

HW wants to move the stack into thewoodshed. I'll wait until he gets here.
More importantly, we can immediately return to our profligate wood-burning, global-warming-inducing ways.
NOTE: Verizon is refusing to accept mms uploads from my TREO now,even though it worked yesterday. So I am back to the old technique of downloading images and posting from my laptop. This means less timely but better quality pictures.
Morning at Shag
arrive at O:DARK:30 last night. Camp looked good. Got a fire going with barely adequate kindling. Watched the Packers lose on Sunday night football.
It is a bit early for color, started but not peaked yet. Maple tree on south has turned. Maple tree by lake has not.
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