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Saturday, January 31, 2009
Looks like we have a shot at 2nd.
UPDATE: This post was a bit optimistic. I think we finished 4th in the team competition, but Roy played great and broke 100 for the first time at an OGC event. Unfortunately he was not to able to make up for Don's many 8's and 9's.
Final Scores:
RE - 98
MW -111
DH - 112
RZ - Some number larger than that.
Rick out of the fairway bunker
Rick's 2nd on 14...
That's my drive in the far distance in the middle of the fairway
Don experiences some gender confusion
At the turn
RZ 54
DH 54
MW 57
We may be 15 under as a team, despite Don's poor performance. The excitement is building.
Bringing it home on 9
Speaking of which. I hit a 270 yard drive on this hole.
Don tees off on 3
Friday, January 30, 2009
How do you catch a 56" Northern Pike? - UPDATED & DEBUNKED

Which goes to the question in the title...
Apparently the angler caught the 36" pike, a trophy in its own right, and while reeling it in - the monster pike tried to eat it and would not let go. He netted them both.
UPDATE 10-June-09:
I note that this post continues to get hit on google searches for "56" pikes", so I guess the e-mail that was my source is still actively circulating on the intertubes. I decided to update this with the most recent information I have learned to save time for any who were as curious about this story as I was.
The e-mail shows two different fish. The last picture of the big pike grabbing the small pike has nothing to do with the pictures that go before. I don't know the source of the last picture.
The first two pictures are legitimate, documenting a fish caught by Ewout Blom in an unnamed lake in the Netherlands at the end of 2004. The story is documented in article by the fisherman in the picture linked here, and orginally published in 2007. According to the fisherman, the actual size of this pike is 127 cm (50") and 19.5 kg (42.9 lbs). A big fish by any standards, but not what is claimed in the e-mail.
Hat tip to the boys at the Alberta Outdoorsman Forum for ferreting out the real story.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I tee off on 9
Live blogging Harding
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Well. This is annoying.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to tax golf
SACRAMENTO, Ca. – Golf course owners and some of their customers are teed off at Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. So are veterinarians, auto mechanics and amusement park operators. Their anger is directed at the Republican governor's proposal to extend the state sales tax to cover more services, an idea that has surfaced in other states as they race to plug crippling budget deficits. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a research clearinghouse, predicts such deficits nationwide could reach $350 billion by 2011. In California, Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.... Sean Grace, a home remodeling contractor from the Sacramento suburb of Elk Grove, said die-hard golfers will find a way to pay the tax if lawmakers approve it. "Ten percent is not too much," he said before slamming a long drive down the fifth fairway at Sacramento's Land Park golf course. "You've got guys paying $100 (for green fees). What's another $10? They're going to find it somewhere."
We've got a budget crisis in California. If the Governator can get a compromise and reduced spending out of the Democratic legislature by extending sales taxes to recreational activities like golf - so it goes.
I would be a lot happier if any of the money went back into fixing up local SF courses like Lincoln - but then - I'm a dreamer.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Journalism makes me hungry.

UPDATE: Upgraded some of the cell phone pics in this series with better quality snaps and added video.
Window shopping
Maybe I should have watched it from here.
Things are wrapping up...
Where'd all its wonderful promises go?
All those neighbors two or three blocks over
who'd for year been wanting to know you better
without your knowing -
neighbors who wanted nothing
so much as they wanted you to be happy
and rich?
And what happened to all those warehouses somewhere
filled with special Amway soap?---
and the twice-a-a-year pyramidic cheering
at some resort somewhere
around huge iced-bowls of shrimp?
And how'd it happen you're not rich?
- Reid Bush
Post Inaugural Obamagasm Refractory Period
Relaxing to the soothing song stylings of John Lennon singing Imagine.
I need a cigarette.
How much longer...
National Anthem
Inaugural speech just finished - Messages to Obama
The poster in the image above is a color swatch mosaic portrait of Obama mounted on and framed by a canvas backing. People were handed sharpies to write messages to Obama on the canvas. I have no idea what will become of this or where it will be displayed.
Done deal.
Oath of Office - Crowd Reaction
Rick Warren on the screen
Chihauha's for Obama
Going in...
First things first.
Live blogging Inauguration day (SF style)
Sorry couldn't help myself.
San Francisco political events are always entertaining. Almost six years ago to the day, I attended a peace protest on the streets of San Francisco and sent an illustrated report to friends and family (this before my blogging days). With the war as the legacy of the last president, I have retroactively posted that e-mail here on the blog. consider it kind of a karmic purging of the last administration.
There will be a inaugural simulcast event at the Civic Center this morning, and I'll be walking down to the Civic Center in the early light for a live-blog report. I don't know how many people will be there, but I am hopeful that SF will live up to its political entertainment reputation.
Stay tuned.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thank god its over.
RE 99 47 52
MW 111
RZ 113 55 58
I have serious work to do before Harding on Thursday.