Doug said he wanted to dedicate this dive to Ms. Smith's Schneider Elementary School class in Farmer City, Illinois. They are learning about abalone and following his abalone diving exploits on video.
Conditions were calm and visibility good (~6ft) as Doug forecast.
Not perfect, but pretty darn close.
Gearing up on top of the bluff...
...and climbing down the hill.
It is about an hour past high tide and Doug looks for good entry points in the cove...
... however, he does not walk on water.
In the water...
...we quickly find abs.
We are experimenting with the underwater camera here - two shots of the same abalone hole - one with flash and one not. I think the one without the flash is better, as the flash just lights up the particles in the water. But I'll leave it up to Ms. Smith's class cohorts. I wonder - How many abalone can they count in these pictures? (the pictures can be expanded by clicking on them)
We soon limit out...
...and shoot some video clips of abalone diving in these conditions.
Doug on the beach with his catch.
The catch. Doug's are bigger than mine. As an ab diver, I suffer from premature extraction.
Après-dive. For the benefit of the Ms. Smith's elementary school class -The kids should know that in this picture I am holding a bottle of an anti-inflammatory and nerve soothing medicinal tonic prescribed by a medical practitioner to treat PDSS (Post Dive Stress Syndrome).