MW Mobile Blog

For friends, family and the random search engine visitor. This blog started as an experiment in mobile blogging from my Palm TREO 600, 700, Prē, HTC Evo, Samsung 5, Pixel 3, Pixel 6 Pro. Now it serves as a simple repository of favorite activities. Expect bad golf, good fishing, great sailing, eating, drinking, adventure travel, occasional politics and anything else I find interesting along the way including, but not limited to, any of the labels listed here...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Work crew has arrived...

The first shift has arrived. Brian on site with friend Aldo.

Workers crew quarters have been prepared.

The crew decided to immediately check out the work site and project scope. The wanted to get started on work right away, but I insisted they rest and wait until tomorrow.

You'v got to admire that kind of gumption.

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